Naruto: Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission Arc Review
Hello my comrades, it's a nice day or night- whatever time you are reading this. Today we talk about one of the OG TV shows, Naruto Shippuuden. I know, I know, you've seen it 500 times and you are tired of it. Well, some of us didn't finish and we forgot where we got to so we had to start all over again. Deal with it. Recently I posted my thoughts on the fight between Sakura and Sasori. Go check it out if you haven't seen it. Please watch out for SPOILERS if you haven't seen these parts yet. IKUZOR!! So I finished watching the Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission Arc and…damn, not a dull moment in this arc. Let's start with the politics that was shown before this particular mission began. Personally I hate politics. I hate the fact that people who have no idea about the outside world get to make decisions affecting people in the outside world. Such people are loosely termed as cake eaters. That's what these village elders portrayed- pure hypocrisy. It took T...